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Politics and Society
Trofimova I.N. (2015). Indicators and Benchmarks of Social and Economic Development of Regions in Russia. Politics and Society, 4, 466–473.
Trofimova I.N. Indicators and Benchmarks of Social and Economic Development of Regions in RussiaAbstract: The article discusses the features of the socioeconomic development of regions in contemporary Russia. The relevance of the study conditioned by the growing importance of the issues of inequality, both between different sectors of the population, and between individual territories. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the ratio of indicators of domestic regional product per capita and the level of per capita income of the population of the region per month. These indicators are considered not only as important factors in the current position of the regions, but also as long-term strategic orientations of socioeconomic development. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a set of provisions, which argues a greater importance of internal capacity of socio-economic development of the regions than of administrative and political factors.The main conclusion of the study is identification of significant differences in the current socioeconomic position of regions and unfounded domination of administrative and policy approaches in determining the long-term goals of regional development. Embedding the level of per capita income and the level of GRP in the long-term strategy for socioeconomic development of the region should include not only administrative measures, but also the development of the internal capacity of the regions, taking into account their cultural, economic and social characteristics. Keywords: strategies of development, indicators, domestic regional product, income of the population, regional policy, regions, social and economic development, strategic planning, regional inequality, internal capacity
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