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Taxes and Taxation

Giraev V.K. On problems of tax regulations and stimulation of economy in Russia

Abstract: The subject of the study is the current practice of tax regulation and stimulation of economy in Russia in the context of the development of market relations. The instability of the country’s tax legislation, which is currently oriented mainly to the fiscal function, limits the stimulation for economic development and rather often makes entrepreneurs withdraw to the sphere of shadow economy. The article presents a detail analysis of the main problems of the stimulating impact of taxes on economic development. The author attaches special attention to the necessity of increasing tax stimulation of enterprises to broaden the volume of production and to attract investments. Using the methods of comparative and structural logical analysis, the author comes to the conclusion of the necessity of an active use of instruments of taxation for regulating and stimulating Russia’s economy in the situation of today’s economic and political challenges. The main conclusion of the article is the necessity of a differentiated approach towards the distribution of the tax burden not only from the point of view of differentiation between branches of industry, but from the point of view of types of taxes as well. The author suggests and gives proof of his ideas of reforming the main budget revenue generating taxes (the tax of organizations’ revenues, goods and services tax, personal income tax and tax on natural resources production) in order to increase the efficiency of the government regulation and stimulation of investment processes in Russia’s economy. The results achieved can be used while working out concrete steps in this direction.  


taxation rate, structue of taxes, tax stimulation, tax regulation, principles of taxation, tax policy, tax system, tax burden, income tax, goods and services tax

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