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Taxes and Taxation

Mikhaleva M.O. Performance of obligations of a tax agent in transfrontier situations

Abstract: The subject analyzed is the legal construction of tax obligations from the point of view of participation of a tax agent in them. In order to avoid double taxation, an agent may be obliged to confirm the fact of the fiscal residence of a foreign contractor. The author analyzes the approaches towards this issue in countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Eurasian Economic Community, revealing the advantages and disadvantages of the construction of tax obligations in diverse countries. At present, there do not exist any legislative regulations of exchange of information between tax agencies of separate states, thus, disputes may emerge in transfrontier situations concerning the volume of obligations of a tax agent. In the article, the author uses the method of comparative analysis, which helps to reveal general and specific features of the legislature approaches in countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Eurasian Economic Community to the issues of procedure specificity of attaining a certificate of a tax resident and the content of this document. The author uses a dialectical approach towards the problem of cooperation of the parties of legal tax relations between themselves.  The author suggests the following solution of the problem of confirming the status of tax residency: initially, this obligation can be placed on either a foreign organization or directly on the tax agent. This issue, in the author’s opinion, can be solved in private capacity, i.e. by agreement of the parties. A certificate of a tax agent should have a regimented and proceduralized form of obtaining it. As an alternative to providing a certificate, the author suggests to provide extracts from foreign editions that publish information about tax residents of foreign states. In the future, the procedure of receiving a status of a tax resident should be abolished, taking into account the development of exchange of information between tax agencies of countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Eurasian Economic Community.


double taxation, tax agent, foreign organization, Eurasian Economic Union, Eurasian Economic Communi, tax obligation, certificate of a tax resident, exchange of information, tax resident, responsibility of a tax agent, tax authorities

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