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National Security
Mikheev V.Yu. (2015). Islamic religious terrorism during the period of 1980’s through 2000’s as a reaction to “difficult times”. National Security, 2, 274–282.
Mikheev V.Yu. Islamic religious terrorism during the period of 1980’s through 2000’s as a reaction to “difficult times”Abstract: The subject of this study, which is written based on the results of the research on the discipline “Phenomenon of terrorism and security of civil society”, consists in determination of the specificity of the Islamic religious terrorism of 1980’s through 2000’s and the causes for its emergence. The article features military-political, economic, and psychological causes of such state, and points out the role of government support of terrorism and spread of the phenomenon. Without a resolution to these problems it is impossible to speak about an effective fight against terrorism, a testimony to which is the current situation in the Near East, where we can see an unfolding lengthy conflict between the secular authorities and the Islamists. A conclusion is made that at the foundation of the terrorist movement of Islamic fundamentalists lies the feeling of hopelessness and vulnerability that was prevalent during that period throughout the population of the region. The article substantiates the fact that the events of the end of 20th century and beginning of 21st century are tightly linked to the events of the recent years: a spike in the activity of the Islamic terrorism throughout the world and geopolitical transformations associated with a series of artificial “color revolutions”. Keywords: Islam, religious terrorism, Islamic world, Islamic revolution, Near East, personified enemy, third world, fanaticism, state terrorism, separatism
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