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National Security
Panenkov A.A. (2015). Solutions to the problems in the area of supervision over the adherence to the laws within the military-industrial complex as one of the directions of strengthening the domestic outline of national security of the Russian Federation. National Security, 2, 266–273.
Panenkov A.A. Solutions to the problems in the area of supervision over the adherence to the laws within the military-industrial complex as one of the directions of strengthening the domestic outline of national security of the Russian FederationAbstract: In this article the author turns to one of the relevant issues affecting the defense and security of Russia – adherence to the laws in the area of military-industrial complex of Russia and state defense order. The author pays attention to the significant improvement in the coordination and collaboration in this regard, and makes a number of specific proposals on optimization of prosecutor’s supervision in the area of the military-industrial complex that are not widely known, but represent a high level of interest due to the escalation of the international situation in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, system of sanctions against Russia, and an attempt of the Western countries and the United States to diminish the military and defense potential of the Russian Federation. The escalation of the global situation of foreign policies, new sanctions against Russia, the current situation on the Russia-Ukraine border, and increase in Russia’s spending on military-industrial complex raise the need for improving the oversight on the adherence to the laws in the area of military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation by not only creating new departments, but also improving the coordination and collaboration between all oversight and monitoring branches in order to strengthen the defense capabilities of Russia, and therefore, ensure its national security. Keywords: military-industrial complex, investigation, defense, collegium, optimization, coordination, collaboration, supervision, security
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