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Financial Law and Management
Alekseev I.V. (2015). The economic content of the concept “franchising enterprise”. Financial Law and Management, 1, 90–100.
Alekseev I.V. The economic content of the concept “franchising enterprise”Abstract: The aim of the article is to clarify the content of the economic concept “franchising enterprise” through analysis of economic glossaries and scientific literature and demonstration of diverse approaches towards the definition of “franchising”. The tasks of the author were to determine the stages of the development of the franchising sphere in Russia; to form a model of organization of territorial franchising; to reveal geographical regions that apply special legislature for regulating franchising; to specify the basic principles of regulatory acts of the world’s leading nations, which, as authoritative ones, allow to outline characteristics of any entrepreneurial form of franchising. The method used in the article is analysis of economic glossaries and scientific literature, as well as comparison of various interpretations of the concept “franchising”. The main conclusions of the article are that the modern concept of franchising is beneficial in wide recognition of goods and services, as well as in higher culture of servicing the client. Mutual support between entrepreneurs may be helpful in acquiring new ideas, methods and technologies and in solving the problem of unemployment at the regional level through attracting a wide range of employees in franchising businesses. The novelty of the article is that it gives definition of the stages of the development of the franchising sphere in Russia, formulates a model of organization of territorial franchising, reveals geographical regions that use special legislature for regulation of franchising, specifies the basic principles of regulatory acts of the world’s leading nations, which, as authoritative ones, allow to outline characteristics of any entrepreneurial form of franchising. Keywords: franchise package, franchising agreement, franchiser, franchisee, franchising, franchising enterprise, lisence, small business, concept, content
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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