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Philosophy and Culture
Popova O.V. (2015). 'To Be a Body' or 'To Have a Body', 'To Be a Project' or 'To Have a Project' . Philosophy and Culture, 3, 438–445.
Popova O.V. 'To Be a Body' or 'To Have a Body', 'To Be a Project' or 'To Have a Project'Abstract: The article is devoted to the main models of physicality in ethics and philosophy. The author of the article describes the following approaches ('paradigms') to the concepts of 'body' and 'physicality' in modern philosophy: 1) the 'paradigm' of existence (existential or holisti approach to body); 2) the 'paradigm' of possession (instrumental or functional concepts of body); 3) the 'paradigm' of construction (body as a project or a technological artefact). Each model involves particular standards and sets a certain type of formation of anthropological borders and anthropological norms. By applying the historical-philosophical approach and ethical analysis, the author demonstrates that in a life of a modern man there is always the dialectics of existence, possession and construction. The author concludes that at the epoch of the intensive technological development, body technologies created as a result of the external socio-cultural transformation of the biotic substrate ('physicality') are gradually turning into the body techologies that are the results of the symbiosis between life and technology. Potential integration of biotechnologies into a human body that have the effects of socialization and education creates new forms of 'self-care'. Keywords: body, physicality, philosophy of body, ethics of physicality, anthropological borders, cyborgization of man, self-care, construction of man, designing of man, body-oriented researches
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