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Philosophy and Culture

Skiperskikh A.V. Politicization of a Style in Clothing: Outfit of a Rebellious Man as the Exterior Level of Protest

Abstract: The research subject is the preferences in clothes of a rebellious person. According to the author, a protesting person does not only tend to political opposition and active oppositional activity. Such a person also demonstrates his right to have an alternative opinion when choosing clothes and often challenges social standards. The author of the present article tries to find out whether there is a correlation between a protesting activity conducted by a citizen and his preferences in clothes. According to the author, clothes help such a person to demnstrate a protesting political writing and create a protesting political text.  To the author's opinion, the best research method here is the method of political hermeneutics that allows to interpret political texts. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that man's opposing tendencies can be demonstated in his clothes. Clothes convey protesting political messages.  The results of the analysis show that protests have been aestheticized at all times and in all cultures. 


power, protest, exterior level of a protest, political text, political writing, political discourse, esthetics of a protest, rebellious person, cothes, dandy

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