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Philosophy and Culture
Chernyy A.A. (2015). Philosophical Legacy of Nikolay Markov as a Reflection of Cultural Development of the Russian Society in the Second Half of the XXth Century. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 375–383.
Chernyy A.A. Philosophical Legacy of Nikolay Markov as a Reflection of Cultural Development of the Russian Society in the Second Half of the XXth CenturyAbstract: The article is devoted to the cultural and educational aspects of the development of philosophical ideas of the thinker of the XIX century Nikolay Markov. The author of the article decribes the history of his becoming a philosopher, religious figure and a teacher. Proceeding from conditions of the cultural and educational development of Russia of that time, the emphasis is made on the specifics of interpretation of philosophical concepts and terms at the different historical periods. The author proves that conceptual provisions of Nikolay Markov coincided with the leading philosophical views of those times. In his research the author has used the methods of historicism and comparison. These methods allow to carry out the analysis of influence of being on the development of philosophical ideas of Nikolay Markov and a role of his philosophical and educational doctrines in the history of philosophy and culture of Russia.Using these methods the author will be able to achieve the following goals:1. To investigate the conceptual grounds of Nikolay Markov's philosophical doctrines revealing ideological fullness of history of philosophical and educational development of Russia in the second half of the XIX century.2. To demonstrate that the philosophical culture of Russian people has always been the real treasury from which thinkers adopted ideas for the development of philosophical concepts of their own educational development.Conceptual grounds of Nikolay Markov's philosophical doctrines were based on the best ideas of the leading European philosophers and teachers. They help us to open ideological fullness of history of philosophical and educational development of Russia of the second half of the XIX century. In addition, these philosophical ideas reflet the influence of being on the development of philosophical doctrines in Russia. Therefore, his philosophical ideas have a large scope of philosophical, educational, cultural and esthetic views on various aspects of their perspective. The philosophical culture of Russian people has always been the spokesman of human wisdom both for Russians and foreigners that is brightly reflected in Nikolay Markov's philosophical ideas and concepts. Therefore the philosophical culture of Russian people is the real treasury from which thinkers take ideas for the development of their own philosophical concepts. Keywords: culture, education, philosophy, metaphysics, history, religion, ethics, ontology, theology, gnoseology
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