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Culture and Art

Rozin V.M. Peculiarities of the Humanitarian, Semiotic and Schemological Approaches as Directions of the Scientific Research of Art

Abstract: In his article Rozin examines peculiarities of the humanitarian, semiotic and schemological approaches (the latter is based on the theory of schemes). The first approach views cognition more than just a subject-and-object relation. According to this approach, a researcher and a phenomenon under analysis are the two subjects whose interaction create art texts. The semiotic approach analyzes the meanings of signs and symbols and interprets semiotics and its relations with other disciplines and concepts. Based on the reconstrution of schemes in Plato's 'Symposium' and generalization of other cases, Rozin offers his definition of 'scheme'. The results of the analysis of semiotics show that semiotics can be used to understand particular aspects of art. Schemology is quite promising but still needs to be proved in actual practice. The following methods have been used to carry out the research and obtain the results: problematisation, case study and comparison analysis, construction of concepts, generalization and discursive reasonings. The results of the research described in this article have allowed to differentiate between these three approaches, describe them, give a definition of 'scheme' and demonstrate that the implementation of the humanitarian, semiotic and schemological approaches involve methodological understanding and analysis. These results are quite new and therefore create the novelty of the research. 


semiotics, schemology, humanitarian approach, text, sign, scheme, reconstruction, object, research, concept, definition

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