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Culture and Art
Lyubimova T.B. (2015). We ourselves and the fact. Culture and Art, 3, 293–311.
Lyubimova T.B. We ourselves and the factAbstract: Problem of authorship in art is a modern problem which had not existed in traditional culture. An author often hides behind own characters. This happens due to the motivation reasons of creativity (which can be understood on a psychological level of analysis) when an emotional move or event in the author's fate becomes the turning point for revealing own Self or some internal divine spirit. Therefore, this problem can be regarded on the metaphysical level as well. Metaphysical perspective on the works by Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, William Shakespeare takes us to some new meanings of art and authorship. The examples from other fields of art: cinema, music – provide additional arguments in the article. The suggested method of research – quasi artistic construction of the study itself. In this case an interconnection between semantic turning points occurs in the course of the text.The main conclusions of the paper are: that the authorship of a work of art has a complex structure, which creates a certain amount, which requires constant change of view, referring to topics indirectly related to the main topic of research. This particular aspect of the consideration of authorship is a new philosophy and aesthetics. The problem of authorship is a specifically modern problem of culture Keywords: a work of art, duality, factuality, genius, public space, stage, characters, , Author, Russian culture, language passion
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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