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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Balagushkin Yu.E. (2015). Philosophical and Anthropological Aspects of Esoteric Culture (According to Edward Tiryakian). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 271–282.
Balagushkin Yu.E. Philosophical and Anthropological Aspects of Esoteric Culture (According to Edward Tiryakian)Abstract: Edward Tiryakian, American sociologist and philosopher of culture, examines various aspects of esoteric culture and analyzes its contents and influence on Western society and the relation between esoteric culture and modernization. As an actual example of esoteric culture Tiryakian examines the modern "occult revival" which became the subject of cultural and philosophical studies revealing its diverse manifestations in the spiritual life of modern society, especially among the educated youth. The problem field of esoteric culture is considered on the basis of its structural and functional features in conjunction with the dynamics of socio-cultural relations and processes taking into account the concepts of modernization and revealing the specifics of the socio-cultural innovation potential of esoteric culture. The paper analyzes the profound changes in social orientations and personal positions of the followers of esoteric culture as well as its general impact on the art, politics and science. In terms of philosophical anthropology, the image of man in esoteric culture is considered to be a special type of personality, that of the creator and the representative of a specific culture. Even though Balagushkin emphasizes that Edward Tiryakian provided a detailed and in-depth study of esoteric culture, he finds it difficult to agree with Tiryakian's general conclusion about the possibility of an epochal change of culture in modern society under the influence of the "occult revival". Keywords: culture dynamics, modernization, secret societies, secularization of the demonic, neo-sacralization, occult revival, esoteric culture, counterculture, Edward Tiryakian, human identity
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