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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Spektor D.M. Representation, understanding and judgment. On that party of tradition

Abstract: In article the diverse features of judgment distinguishing the last from understanding and representation are considered. Description outlines sense as a detection phenomenon for shown authenticity, contextual conditionality, germenevtichesky disclosure and inclusion in a field of personal and strong-willed interest. Nevertheless the phenomenological description doesn't disclose a source of division of the events into the phenomenon and its sense, carrying the last both to natural conditions of a yavlennost, and to those editions which are introduced in reality by "the symbolical power". The question of the sense nature in the offered edition of a phylogeny is transformed to a question of the nature of "primary sense" (pathos, a spiritualizing, dedication) addressed to a sovereignty (subject), the eternal object having other sovereignty and, as bodies of realization of external activity, own community. Existence of similar (universal) object believes a question of the nature of "secondary sense" in a foreshortening of the "simulation" transforming animal intensions (instincts) to the plane of their kindling, deepening and "fullnesses sense". The logic of the genesis studied causes need of logical first of all code conversion: the fundamental thesis of understanding – as process of correlation this as yet not recognized – and the identification recognized on the way, correlation with this (other: a subject, or process, anyway known), has to contain historically more primary task reflection of the unknown, the unprecedented, spontaneous improvised.


the turned forms, symbolical power, personal context, sense and value, judgment, understanding, representation, symbol, death, illusory meanings

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