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Law and Politics
Dubovik O.L. (2015). Environmental protest movements in Germany. Peer review of: New Power of the Citizens / Edited by S. Marg, L. Gayges, F Butzlaff F. Walter. Issue: 1332 Volume. Bonn: Federal Agency for Civil Education, 2013. - 341 p. Law and Politics, 4, 587–591.
Dubovik O.L. Environmental protest movements in Germany. Peer review of: New Power of the Citizens / Edited by S. Marg, L. Gayges, F Butzlaff F. Walter. Issue: 1332 Volume. Bonn: Federal Agency for Civil Education, 2013. - 341 p.Abstract: This review examines the methodology and results of the research on the protest movement of the German citizens. The environmental acts of protest in Germany are common and often influence the political and legal decisions made in this country. Protection of the environment is backed by a strong support from the citizens. The protests in Germany mostly aimed against various large-scale projects, laying transportation hubs, construction of environmentally unsafe objects, etc. The book describes the history of the forming of the protest movement, examines the value orientations of the activists, their motives and political positions. It reviews urban protests in Hamburg, Stuttgart and Munich, aimed at protecting the environment, including cultural, architectural and historical heritage. A special attention is given to the anti-nuclear movement that is widely supported throughout Germany and has reached great success. Keywords: public opinion, law, protest, politics, environment, anti-nuclear movement, citizens, activists, social group, democracy
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1. Dubovik O.L., Kremer L., Lyubbe-Vol'ff G. Ekologicheskoe pravo. 2-e izd., M.: Eksmo, 2007. – 708 s