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Administrative and municipal law

Dresvyannikova E.A. Correct qualification of administrative offence as a component of the principle of unavoidability of punishment

Abstract: The subject of the research is qualification of administrative offences specified in the articles 12.6 and 12.23 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation. Implementation of the principle of unavoidability of punishment means the correct qualification of the offence committed. Unfortunately, when qualifying administrative offences in the sphere of road traffic a law enforcer sometimes faces the situation when one deed refers to several competing administrative-legal regulations. Regulations provide for various types of responsibility for transportation of children without a safety belt. In such situations the correct qualification of this deed is necessary for the correct legal treatment of the deed and imposition of a corresponding punishment. The author of the article considers the problem of correlation between the rules of transportation of children (article 12.23 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offences) and the rules of safety belts use (article 12.6 of the Code) as competing legal regulations in the sphere of road traffic. The correct qualification of administrative offences fosters the respect for law enforcement bodies in citizens and promotes the increase of legal sense and legal culture of road traffic participants. The author uses general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, the comparative method) and special research methods. The analysis of the administrative legislation and the court and law enforcement practice shows the need for the general explanation by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of the order of application of the rules of children transportation (article 12.23, part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offences) and the rules of safety belts use (article 12.6 of the Code). It is necessary to amend the general part of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation with the regulation explaining the order of the general and the special norms of the Special Part application. 


offence, qualification, regulation, competition, principle, unavoidability, punishment, legal sense, law enforcement, court practice

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