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Politics and Society

Karpovich O.G. Democratic Institutions and Their Role in Public Administration

Abstract: The article discusses the features of the formation and functioning of democratic institutions in modern Western democracies, as well as their role in the system of government. Democratic institutions are the basic elements of a democratic system of government, they underlie and guarantee political stability and respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is a tool to ensure their direct or indirect participation in the governance of the country. They make the political regime clear, both horizontally and vertically developed, accessible to the people, inclusive, effective, efficient, open and competitive. The research methodology is based on systematic, structural-functional, comparative historical and comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, induction, deduction, and modeling. According to the author, for a democratic system to work effectively, it is necessary that there is a stable system of political institutions,  namely, democratic institutions, and the institutions of government. Furthermore, the structure of these institutions should be clear and hierarchic; an important role here is played by the leaders who should motivate, harmonise, set goals and demonstrate methods to achieve the best system performance. If these requirements are met, the cooperation between all the authorities becomes possible, as well as the "feedback" of civil society. That is what makes such system successful and productive.


interests, Russia, state, international systems, lobbying, USA, society, politics, values, security

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