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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Ivanova S.A., Nagibina N.L. Modeling the Subjective Space

Abstract: The research object is the subjective space (SP) "Self - Body - Soul". The research subjet is the color changes in the course of modeling of the subjective space in a standard situation and stressful situation. The research objectives are: to identify, describe and analyze the changes in the course of modeling of the subjective space "Self - Body - Soul" in a standard situation and stressful situation and to test the technique of the "color and graphic modeling of the subjective space." The computer technique "of the color and graphic modeling of the subjective space" developed by the authors allows us to compare different subjective perceptions about themselves, body and soul in standard and stressful conditions. The technique can be found at http://oprosi.su/krugi/ and is performed remotely and anonymously. The full color palette is offered to respondents for coloring each image of the body, soul and Self. A respondent can choose any color she or he likes.The respondent is asked to create a three-dimensional model of the "body-soul-self" using circles of different colors and diameters. The technique is done on the Adobe Flash platform (testing) and PHP + MySQL (processing of results). On top of everything else, the novelty of the research lies in the choice of respondents. "Sex trade" defines particular ideas about the interaction of body, soul and self under stress. The technique presented in the study opens up new possibilities for describing and modeling the subjective space with the help of color choices. The subjective spaces "self-body-soul" vary in a standard situation and stressful situation. The novelty of the research is a clear proof that any of the components of this space can be characterized by the black, gray or brown colors in a stressful situation.The following general tendencies have been discovered: Self is usually shown in green, body in red and soul in yellow.


stress, diagnostics, subjective perceptions, semantics of color, color selection, soul, modeling of the subjective space, meaning of color, projective technique, image

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