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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Plotnikova E.S. From Self-Determination to Self-Realization

Abstract: The author examines such themes as the impact of self-determination on self-realization and the nature of this influence. The process of self-determination is a complex personality formation that provides a person with the freedom to choose the path of development (Dacey, Ryan) and the ability to act independently from external circumstances and unpredictable for outside observers but following his own logic and beliefs. The modern person each day faces increased requirements  at work or school and at the same time has the freedom and a large variety of life paths and strategies. He can maximize his potential and live a creative life and express his inner world. One's self-determination influences the ability to choose one's own path of development, to resist external distractions from his main goals in life and, therefore,  to strive for self-realization. The following methods were used to study parameters of self-determination: «Test of life orientations» by Dmitry Leontiev (the scale «general indicator of life meaningfulness»), the test «The ability to self-regulation» by Peysakhov (the scale  «general indicator of the ability to self-regulation»), «The test of self-determination» (the scales «autonomy» and «self-expression»). The author also used the overall rate for the study of self-realization («Questionnaire of self-realization»  by Kudinov). The study revealed that such parameters of self-determination as the ability to self-regulation, autonomy and self-expression have a positive effect on self-realization if they have mean values, i.e. the driving force of self-realization is the harmonious development of self-determination and external determination and meaningfulness of life is the foundation for these processes.


autonomy, determination, self-determination, the meaningfulness of life, self-expression, self-determination options, development, self-development, self-realization, the ability to self-regulation

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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