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Administrative and municipal law

Gaganov A.A. Legal aspects of illegal transportation of passengers and goods by motor cars. Some issues of transportation by passenger taxis

Abstract: The article considers the components of administrative offences in the sphere of transportation by passenger taxis, the problems of delimitation of the components, and imposition of administrative sanctions for the corresponding offences, and the ways of these problems solution. The article considers the disagreement between the legislative understanding of the components of the offence connected with the illegal taxi-driving and the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation according to this issue. The author substantiates the necessity of introduction of the notion "passenger taxi" and the adoption of a particular federal law in this sphere of regulation. The author uses the general scientific methods and the methods of juridical science. Particularly, the author uses the logical method, the system structural method, the method of legal analysis of legal acts texts, the comparative-legal method. The author reveals the essential drawbacks of the existing legislation aimed at illegal taxi-driving combating which hamper the adequate realization of the corresponding norms of the Code of Administrative Offences dated April 21, 2001 No 69; in the author's opinion it is necessary to adopt a new federal law with a clear subject of regulation - a passenger taxi. It is recommended to fix in the law the definition of "passenger taxi" including the specific features of a taxi (the principles of transportation pricing). 


illegal taxi-driving, administrative fine, administrative punishment, administrative offence, administrative responsibility, passenger taxi, State Information System of State and Municipal Pa, Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Fed, components of offences, passenger transportation

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