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Law and Politics

Pochtarev A.A. Insurance as an unnamed within the Civil Code of the Russian Federation method of upholding responsibilities

Abstract: The subject of this research is the Insurance sphere as a legislative way of ensuring upholding of responsibilities. The purpose of this work is to present the aspects of making good on the commitments and ensuring that they are carried out within various socio-economic areas. The need for legislative support of such obligations is the basis of functioning of public education and social development as a whole. Application of the results of this work can be directed at the structuring of a balanced position on the controversial issues in ensuring contractual obligations. The instrument of the guarantee is the insurance institution. Each of the aspects defined by the fact that it is necessary to simultaneously develop countermeasures that would allow identifying those who do not exercise diligence. This position can be determined in the structural characteristics of private insurance institution. The research methodology is a complex of private industry-specific scientific methods, which contribute to the development of a civilized market of guaranteed protection from default of the counterparty or other parties involved in the contract. The result of this study is an indication that insuring can fulfill the guarantee of obligations in civil matters, although it cannot be considered a legislative method of making sure that the obligations are met. The author determines that this problem occurs primarily due to the lack of integral parts of the conceptual apparatus, as well as legal criteria for classifying these or other civil constructs as methods to enforcing the upholding of obligations.


structure, legal evaluation, society, legislation, insurance, obligations, performance, security, jurisprudence, socio-economic space

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