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Law and Politics

Almaeva Yu.O. The quality of the legal mediation of labor relations in Russia at the end of the 19th century

Abstract: The author states that the main motive for improving the quality of the Russian legislation on employment at the end of the 19th century became the necessity to alleviate the mass unrest among the working class, who were severely exploited at the capitalist factories. The predictable course of improvement of quality of the legislation on factory labor included first and foremost the implementation of restrictions on child and female labor, as well as forming of the system of government oversight that would ensure the adherence to these policies. In addition to that, implementation of the corresponding imperative norms was supposed to limit the autonomy of the factory owners in the legal arrangement of the employer-employee relations. As a result, the tasks set before the government to ensure the discipline in the enterprises and simultaneously prevent the most evident cases of labor exploitation, have positively affected the future development of the quality of labor legislation.


Contract, quality of legal regulation, late 19th century, private employment, hired labor, employer, normative legal act, work, work relations, labor legislation

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