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Law and Politics

Zhigulenkov M.V. Certain theoretical issues in viewing a country as the object of national security

Abstract: This work examines state as an object of national security. What are the objects of state security? What is the correlation between the concepts of “safety of the country”, “national security”, and “state security”? The search for the answers to these questions is undertaken by the author through an examination of a number of general theoretical problems: existence of various approaches towards the understanding of state as a combination of three elements – population, territory, and authority. The author addresses the question on the possibility of changing the nature of a state, and the possibility of reviewing various levels of its nature. State is a layered phenomenon that incorporates the political, social, juridical, economic, ethical and other aspects. As the object of security the state can be viewed as a system of such elements as authority, territory and population. But most of the times within Russian literature the state is attributed to the element of authority, viewing it as a political universal sovereign organization of authority.


State, country, security, nation, phenomenon, level, elements, object, correlation, basis

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