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Taxes and Taxation

Irizepova M.Sh., Perekrestova L.V. Regional peculiarities of taxation systems for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Abstract: In recent years in Russia despite the active state support there has been a decline in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In line with the national tax policy, stimulation of the development of small and medium-sized businesses can be achieved through special methods of tax regulation in the regions. In this connection, there is a need to theoretically analyze the regional SME taxation system as an object of regional financial management. Despite numerous and extensive research of regional taxation systems within the theory of taxation, there is no generally accepted method for evaluating the performance of such systems, especially of regional systems for SME taxation.  In this light, the regional SME taxation system as an object of regional financial management deserves special attention in order to work out the evaluation methods as well as proper corrective measures. The obtained results can summarized as follows: 1) the work identifies the system elements of the regional SME taxation system, their functions, inter-relation and interaction; 2) the study recognizes and explains peculiarities of the regional SME taxation system functioning on the territory of the independent subject of the Russian Federation; 3) the authors point to objective and subjective factors that influence the fiscal performance of the regional SME taxation system; 4) the research work further extends and clarifies qualitative functions of the regional SME taxation system; 5)  the paper describes an algorithm of the evaluation methodology to measure the effectiveness of regional SME taxation system; 6) the paper shows the results of applying one block of the methodology to assess the effectiveness of the regional SME taxation system through case study of regional small businesses. 


medium-size business, taxation system, region, indicator, tax regime, methodology, small business, factor, fiscal performance, effectiveness

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