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National Security

Karpovich O.G. Color revolutions as a tool for systemic destabilization of political regimes: Threats and Challenges for Russia

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the analysis and systematization of current scientific knowledge on the nature of color revolutions, from the so-called "Velvet Revolutions" in Eastern Europe, to the latest color revolutions of "Arab Spring", "White Ribbons Revolution" in Russia, "Euromaidan" 2013-2014, in Ukraine and the "Umbrella Revolution" of 2014 in Hong Kong. The author pays particular attention to the examination of the possibilities of repeating the scenario of the color revolution in Russia, analyzing the first attempt of the United States to destabilize the situation in Russia using the protest movement. The author concludes that the risks of the script color revolution in Russia perpetrated by the Western countries continue to grow, especially noticeable on the background of devaluation of the ruble and growing economic crisis. However, the results of this research indicate that the Russian "non-systemic opposition" in principle cannot serve as the ideological and organizational driving force for the color revolution, as by its parameters it does not fit within the basic Anglo-Saxon scheme and does not meet the requirements for the leaders and activists of the modern color revolutions.


state, conflict, color revolutions, USA, national security, politics, Russia, interests, values, war

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