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National Security

Zelenkov M.Yu. Danger and threat are the basic categories in the theory of national security

Abstract: The subject of this research is the basic categories of the conceptual apparatus of the theory of national security: "danger" and "threat". Effective functionality of the system for ensuring national security of the state is impossible without a clear and unambiguous understanding of the essence and content of the basic categories in the theory of national security. Only unambiguous interpretation and understanding of these categories will allow the security subjects to provide quality planning of events on insurance of national security of the Russian Federation. The results obtained in the course of the research allow making a number of conclusions. Firstly, despite the lengthy study of the categories, "danger" and "threat" in the theory of national security were never taken to the point of a unified concept. Secondly, the implementation of these categories in the normative legal documents differs in nature and content, and does not fully reflect the essence of the processes that take place within the system of ensuring national security. Thirdly, the system of ensuring national security should be designed with consideration of both, the explicit and implicit (including unknown) hazards and threats, as only in this case we can speak about the possibility of implementing its functions. The author proposes solutions to the above problems.


national security strategy, Federal law, Russian Federation, national security, security, threat, danger, categories in the theory of security, system of national security, state

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