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Law and Politics

Dzhagaryan N.V. Constitutional partnership of the representative braches of public authority as a factor of increasing the effectiveness of the representative system of municipal self-governance

Abstract: Based on the author’s concept of municipal representative democracy as an open and dynamically developing system, this article reviews the issues of collaboration between the representative branches of the municipal institutions on one hand, and the representative branches of the government authority of the Russian Federation and its constituents on the other. The goal of this analysis is the constitutional substantiation of the collaboration between the various levels of the representative branches of authority as an immanent manifestation of a constitutional unity of a democracy and the corresponding systemic relations within the organization of representative authority. The article reveals the formulated and formed by the practice methods of collaboration between the representative branches of government authorities and municipal self-governance, gives a general assessment of its effectiveness and formulates the measures for improvement of these relations. The author makes a conclusion that the existing mechanisms of connection between the representative branches carry a fragmentary, non-systematic character that require correction, specific (main) directions of which are offered in this article.


Representative branches, Municipal representative democracy, Representative system, Representative democracy, Representative authority, Public representation, Democracy, Municipal self-governance, Collaboration of representative branches, Constitutional partnership.

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