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Law and Politics

Trofimova I.N. Civil legal awareness within the social-political practices and values of the Russian citizens

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the study of the issue of civil legal awareness within the social-political practices and values of the Russian citizens. Civil legal awareness is being viewed as a necessary element of the functioning of the civil society and legal state that recognizes the rights, liberties, and interests of human and citizen as the highest values. A special attention is given to the analysis of the link between civil legal awareness and the level of social and institutional trust, public and political participation, value orientation, and political alignments in the modern Russian society. Analysis of the issue takes into account the key positions of the theory of modernization with regards to the transformation of the socio-political subjectivity of the society and the citizen that allow the conceptualization of the link between civil legal awareness and the socio-political practices and value orientations of the Russian citizens. The author makes a conclusion on the existence of a deep divide between the traditions of the socio-political participation that carry a mostly collectivistic, conventional, and institutional character and a low level of trust that has formed in the post-Soviet period by the public institution, which in many ways substantiates the divergence in the civil legal awareness, values, and practices of civil participation in the modern Russian society.


Civil legal awareness, Civil participation, Socio-political practice, Values, Russian society, Civil society, Institutions, Authority, Government, Citizens.

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