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Administrative and municipal law

Grishkovets A.A. Government service in the Internal Affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic

Abstract: The research subjects are legal and organizational problems of formation and realization of legislation in the sphere of government service in the Internal Affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic. The research object is the complex of social relations, which are regulated by norms of administrative law, which emerge in the sphere of Internal Affairs. The author considers the basic elements of the government service institution which functions in the bodies of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, and pays attention to combating corruption. The article also touches upon the problem of work with human resources in the Internal Affairs bodies, and the problem of favouritism eradication in the government service system of the Internal Affairs bodies. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional juridical methods, and the methods which are used in special sociological research. The author concludes that the legal grounds of the government service in the Internal Affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic are closely connected with the corresponding legal grounds which have been formed in the Russian Federation in the sphere of this kind of government service. The author is the first who considers this kind of government service in this country. The article can serve as a base for a more thorough research of government service of the CIS member-states.


service, Kyrgyz Republic, the police, management, officer, official, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sphere, corruption, regulation.

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