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Trends and management

A.M. Repyeva Federal Migration Service Migration policies: immigration control, international cooperation

Abstract: The author examines immigration control and international cooperation in regulating migration. This work points out the importance of all directions in migration politics and demonstrates their defining traits and differences. Migration control manifests in both, legal documentation and the work of public authorities. This article examines the powers that authorities exercise, as well as the volume of said power in Russian Federation. International cooperation in migration control is also a valuable study subject, as a numerical increase of external challenges for national security becomes evident. The heart of the migration policy area that is being studied in this work is defined by a high degree of cooperation between public authorities: the Federal Migration Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Security Service, Federal Bailiff Service, Federal Tax Service, Federal Employment Service. To fully understand the specifics of their work, it is necessary to address the main vectors of migration control in Russia. The scientific basis of this work is founded on comprehensive analysis of the Federal Migration Service practice, and the problems that it faces as it exercises its powers in migration control and international cooperation. This work presents the political and legal angle of the issue, which allows to view the migration issues in Russia more broadly.


migration, control, deportation, decree, regulation, accounting, trend, violation, cooperation

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