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Law and Politics

Aleshin V.V., Ostrouhov N.V., Rytov E.N. On certain aspects of providing economic security of Russia

Abstract: This article examines the issues associated with the provision of economic security of the Russian Federation as one of the key and basic components of general system of provision of national security of the Russian Federation. Among the various threats of economic security the research is conducted on a particular one – the legalization of income acquired through criminal activity and funding of terrorism. The authors analyze certain international legal aspects of funding of terrorism and the newest laws of the Russian legislation that exert the most significant influence upon the development of the system of countermeasures against the legalization (laundering) of income acquired through illegal means and funding of terrorism. Based on the analysis of various approaches towards the definition of “economic security” the authors propose an original definition of this term. By researching the scientific positions of the Russian legal scholars in the process of counteracting the laundering of illegal income and funding of terrorism this article offers practical recommendations on this problem.


Economic security, legalization of illegal income, funding terrorism, legal regime, legislation, administrative measures, financial control, national security, economic stability.

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