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Philosophy and Culture
Koptseva, N. P. (2014). Truth as a Mean of Modeling the Integrity at the Level of Individual Existence. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1739–1748.
Koptseva, N. P. Truth as a Mean of Modeling the Integrity at the Level of Individual ExistenceAbstract: The subject of research is the new concepts of truth that view truth not only as a characteristic of knowledge but also as a form of human existence, object of existence, meaning and a supreme value. Koptseva examines the ontological aspect of the philosophical definition of truth and associated axiological and teleological aspects. In terms of these aspects, truth is defined as a modeling of the integrity of human existence at both individual and social levels. In her article Koptseva analyzes particular points related to the philosophical modeling of truth at the level of individual existence or self-existence. The philosophical modeling of the integrity at the level of individual existence is compared to the religious modeling. The main method used by Koptseva in her research is a method of the philosophical definition of a concept. The researcher has also used the methods of the comparative historical definition of ‘truth’. The research is based on the meta-philosophical conceptual approach when philosophical intellectual techniques come under review themselves. The scientific novelty of research is caused by the fact that traditionally truth is defined in terms of the theory of knowledge while Russian and sometimes foreign traditional researches view truth in terms of ontology and gnoseology. In Russian national picture of the world truth has always been not only a characteristic of knowledge but also the purpose and meaning of human existence. Keywords: philosophy, truth, modeling, religious experience, cognitive process, consciousness, individual, self-concept, integrity, world.
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