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International Law and International Organizations

Voynikanis E.A. General trends of development of the system regulating the intellectual rights on the example of the EU legislation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the analysis of development of the EU legislation in the area of intellectual property as a ref lection of general trends of transformation of the legal regulation of intellectual rights into the digital age. A special attention is given to the aspects of innovational economy. The author notes that there is a strengthening of the protection of the right holders’ interests. At the same time the interactive nature of the digital economy and the spread of new ways of acquiring knowledge present the law of intellectual property with a task of providing a free access to content. The author concludes that the uniqueness of the EU legislation consists in the fact that it combines the characteristics of international law and independent legal system. The described consistent trends of development of the European law show the forming of prerequisites for a change in the paradigm of regulation of intellectual rights.


Intellectual rights, intellectual property, EU legislation, market economy, innovation economy, information technologies, human capital, access to information, legal paradigm, f lexible regulations.

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