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Police activity

P.A. Kabanov The victimological dimension of criminality on the Republic of Belarus: the statistical analysis of the rates of 2009 – 2013

Abstract: The subject of this research is the criminality tendencies in the Republic of Belarus on the base of the offi cial statistical data of the state about the victims of crimes for the period of 2009 – 2013. The aim of the research is to reveal the main tendencies in criminalization and victimization of the population of the Republic of Belarus. The tasks of the research are: a) to describe and explain the tendencies of criminalization and victimization of the population of the Republic of Belarus; b) to reveal the structure of the criminality in the Republic of Belarus and to evaluate its social danger; c) to describe the tendencies of the particular types of the criminal consequences in the Republic of Belarus – the criminal mortality and the criminal injury rate. As a methodology of the research the author had chosen the dialectic materialism and the general methods of research based on it: analysis, synthesis, comparison, and other methods which are used in criminology. The scientifi c originality of the research consists of the fact that the author is the fi rst who carried out the victimological measurement of the negative consequences of the criminality in the Republic of Belarus. The author worked out and offered the new indexes (the criminal mortality and the criminal injury rate), which give the opportunity to evaluate “the price of crime” in this state. The author revealed the tendencies of the criminal victimization of the particular social groups with the heightened victimity (women, under-age, pensioners, and persons in the state of alcoholic intoxication).


Criminality, criminality consequences, victims, victimity, the Republic of Belarus, criminal injury rate, criminal mortality, criminal mortality of women, criminal mortality of children, criminality rates.

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