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International relations

G. V. Lukyanov Libya and Iran: from the community of interests of the “rogue states” to the new political reality

Abstract: The article considers the problem of the development of relations between the states, included in the suggested by the USA in 1980s list of the so-called “rogue states”. The author carries out their comparative analysis and studies the process of building of the long-term allied relations between them on the example of the interactions between Libyan Jamahiriya and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the last decade of the 20th – the early 21st century. The article considers the influence of ideological guidelines and internal and external political conditions on the formation of the foreign policies of Tripoli and Tehran on the post-revolution stage of development. The chronological limits of the research include the period from the 1970s till the early 2000s. The reconstruction of the events is based on the results of the analysis of a wide range of resources, and the experience of the Russian, the Soviet, and the foreign schools of oriental studies. Using his own methodological approach, the author studies the problem of the particular “rogue states” relations from a practical point of view, when the research concentrates on the dynamics of development of bilateral relations between Libyan Jamahiriya of Muammar Gaddafi and the Islamic Republic of Iran after the Islamic revolution of 1978-1979.


Libya, Iran, foreign policy, the rogue states, weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, Islamism, Gaddafi, Khomeini, history.

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