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International relations

V. R. Filippov De Gaulle at the cradle of “Françafrique”

Abstract: The article considers the reasons which prompted Charles de Gaulle to create the military and political, financial and economical networks of influence on the African continent after the World War II; the article reveals the essence of the political phenomenon called “Françafrique”, describes the goals and methods of secret French policy realization in Africa. The object of the research is the French policy in Africa in the period of de Gaulle presidency. The subject of the research is the forms and the methods of “Françafrique” architecture in the former colonial areas of France in Africa. The methodology of the research includes the system, the structural and functional approaches, the cultural and civilizational approach, the comparative historical and the comparative political methods of scientific research, the theories of ethnicity, the methods of induction, deduction, observation, analysis, synthesis, analogy, intent look. The article offers the characteristic of the French political influence on its former colonies, known as “Françafrique” – the phenomenon, which had become a stumbling block on the way of maintenance of the international image of France as a democratic and legal state. At the cradle of this ugly child of the Fifth Republic, unfortunately, was the person who saved France from a disgrace of collaborationism: the national hero and President of the Republic Charles de Gaulle. The article presents the list of the most resonant crimes committed by the French special services on the Black continent.


international relations, foreign policy, de Gaulle, Françafrique, France, Africa, colonialism, independence, security, political regime.

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