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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Privalova V.Y. Implementation of International Anti-Corruption Requirements in the Russian Legislation

Abstract: Subject matter of this study includes the system of international and domestic legal acts governing implementation of international anti-corruption requirements in the Russian law, tools of the fight against corruption (including legal executive tools for the corruption prevention in municipal public and governmental bodies), international indexes of the corruption evaluation, patterns for assessment of the conduct of domestic anti-corruption policy, corruption measurement standards, achievement of establishing national institution to counter illegal enrichment, as it stems from the UN Convention against corruption. Among the used methods of the study are comparative law analysis and legal logic’s analysis. All applied methods together have helped make the research as regards the implementation of international anticorruption corruption requirements into national law. Additionally, the research is fed by systematic and comprehensive approach. Scientific novelty of the research is determined by the lack, in legal science, of comparative researches of the problem of implementation of international anti-corruption requirements into Russian law. The novelty of the research is also underpinned by comprehensive character of the study: its objective covers not only international but Russian anticorruption instruments. A conclusion has been drawn over a need to further elaborating the problem taking into account foreign best practice relating to the working out of a special index of corruption perception, especially in governmental bodies, and to align domestic anti-corruption terminology to international anti-corruption instruments.


Anti-corruption requirements, International anti-corruption standards, Implementation, Parliamentary immunity, Responsibility, Corruption Evaluation Index, Fighting against corruption, Corruption Prevention, Co-operation, Corruption Measurement.

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