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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Karpenko K.V., Evmeneva A.D. Features of the Current Religious-Legal Regime in Alsace and Lorraine

Abstract: Authors analyze in details the regime of religious exception that has been historically established in the Eastern France, in departments of Alsace-Moselle, where the Concordat of 1801, signed between Napoleon Bonaparte and the Pope Pius VII is still in force. The article shows the administrative organization of the four officially authorized confessions, as well as local legal features in the field of primary and secondary education and labor legislation. The authors describe the possibilities of efficient realization of the constitutional principle of secular state, then refine its correlation with the well known to the law theory regime of legal exceptions and also bring up the problem of limits to judicial interpretation of statutes on the example of France. Besides, this article clearly demonstrates the very important role of the Constitutional Council in the legal and political frame of the Fifth Republic in modern France. The scientific research, presented in this article, is based on dialectical method of cognition, which allows revealing the phenomenon of legal reality in unity of opposites. Also the article uses the legalistic approach, as well as historical and systematic approach. The originality of the analysis consists in the fact, that authors scrutinize the problem of interrelation between the tenet of secular state and officially authorized religions. This problem in general is little-known to Russian constitutional law. The choice of France as the matter of research in this area is determined by the almost total absence of scientific works, examining such topics, in Russian constitutional law studies. The main scientific conclusion, drawn by authors, is new and original and states that theoretical foundation for nonuse of secular state tenet in Alsace-Moselle can be understood through the concept of legal exceptions. It is known that these latter are often used in order to reconcile the national and regional interests.


Alsace-Moselle, freedom of belief, secular state, concordat, Constitutional Council, legal regime of exceptions.

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