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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Mits D.S. Protection of Constitutional Order of State: International and Constitutional Law Issues

Abstract: The subject of the article is the legislative experience of some States, regulating relations in the sphere of protection of the constitutional system, judicial bodies and international legal acts. The aim of this work is the identification, scientific understanding and analysis of the formal legal and substantial parties to the constitutional values of protection from unlawful encroachment on the constitutional order of some States. To achieve the goal of the work the dialectical, formal-legal, comparative legal methods were used by the author. The author summarizes the international experience in implementing constitutional values of some foreign States protection from unlawful encroachment on the constitutional order. A number of the provisions of this study can be taken into account in the practical activity of law enforcement bodies. The article analyzes conceptual and doctrinal, constitutional and legal issues in the field of protection of constitutional order of state and characteristics of its regulatory implementation.


Protection of the constitutional order of state; restriction of fundamental rights and freedoms of i, society and state; international regulation; legislation of foreign states; unconstitutional activit

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