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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Lobanova T.N. The Linguistic and Media Standoff Between China and USA

Abstract: This article is focused on researching the linguistics factor in the bilateral relations between the two largest world economies — China and USA. In public life, the growth of importance of language leads to an increase of conscious interference into language practices of the «new media», by using special technologies. This article analyzes the role of linguistic representation of USA as an object of geopolitics and the construction of the reader’s world view in terms of China-US relationship. The author examines and analyzes Chinese media texts (information and analytical materials) for information and communication technology applications, and attempts to classify them. The methodology of this research is systemic, structural-functional, political-linguistic, comparativepolitical, approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, content analysis. Chinese media texts serve as units for the analysis of interactions among political science, political journalism, political linguistics and demand further thought and research. The movement towards analyzing the mutual influence of linguistic and political aspects of linguistic manipulation in foreign «new media » appears to be a promising vector for political linguistics and modern communication studies within the structure of Russian political science. Now, from the instrumentarium standpoint, it is more important than ever to have an understanding of projects and technologies of mass-media, social media — especially the foreign ones. Those are systems that permit the filtering of information, for media workers to be aware of media streams, for researchers and analysts who need to process large streams of information.


Conflict studies, foreign policy, Chinese new media, linguistic influence strategy, political media course, USA, China, mediatexts, translation, security.

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