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Law and Politics

Akopdhzanova M.O. The principle of freedom of civil legal contract and its criminal legal protection

Abstract: The current Russian legislation provides the principle of a freedom of civil legal contract as one of the key principles of ensuring civil rights of private individuals and legal entities. This article is dedicated to the research of said principle, legal boundaries of the freedom of civil legal agreement, the questions of implementation of imperative and dispositive norms of civil law during signing of legal contracts. The article reviews cases and mechanisms of criminal indictment of individual who have abused their civil rights, violated the civil rights of their business associates, or terms based on the principle of freedom of civil legal agreements. The key aspects of implementation of norms within Russian legislation on freedom civil legal agreements are being researched and analyzed. The conclusions of this article can be useful to citizens, legal entities, as well as the branches of government, local authorities and law enforcement agencies.


Freedom of civil legal contract, limitations, imperative norms, dispositive norms, violation of civil rights, abuse of rights, criminal responsibility, punishment, restitution, criminal legal protection.

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