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Law and Politics

Yanik A.A. Control over the socio-economic changes under the conditions of crisis: how can China’s experience help Russia?

Abstract: This article reviews social, economic and political changes in Russia, as well as compares them with the reforms conducted in China. The author analyzes positive and negative aspects pertaining to the concept of using as a strategy of development a so called “Chinese model” as a more successful alternative to the strategy of liberalization, which was adopted from the Western European countries and North America. A special attention is given to the problem about the “non-economic phenomena” that have an impact upon the accuracy of choice and the success of realization of the antirecession policy of the country. The causes of the objective decrease of the state government that is based on the values of democracy are examined under the conditions of globalization. The author marks the differences between the notions “Washington consensus” and “Washington hypothesis”. It is demonstrated that the scientific concept about the essence of the “China’s experience” emerged a lot later the time, when the reforms began within USSR; hence, they could not be borrowed by the Soviet government.


Strategy of development, economic crisis, globalization, “Beijing consensus”, “Washington consensus”, “Mumbai consensus”, China’s experience, radical reforms, socio-economic reforms, effectiveness of state government.

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