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Law and Politics

Fedorets M.N. Establishment and development of the state territorial structure of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the review if the historical development of the state territorial structure of Russia. The author analyzes the particularities of the territorial division of the Russian Federations, as well as the criteria and conditions under which the new administrative territorial units with a certain specifics of the legal status. Based on the conducted research and taking into consideration the evolution of the state territorial structure of Russia, it was attempted to find ways to resolve the issues of the modern Russian federalism. The historical progression of this process, along with the main stages of its evolution and various projects aimed at the improvement of the state division of Russia were being analyzed. By examining the specifics of the state territorial structure of Russia within the historical aspect, the author was able to determine the main stages of its development. According to the author’s conclusion, in a case of improving the state territorial structure it is necessary to follow several principles of forming the subjects of the Russian Federation in order to strengthen the legal links between them.


Federation, Unitarian state, form of state structure, subject of the Russian Federation, administrative territorial unit, stages of federalism, the Russian Federation.

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