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Taxes and Taxation

F. S. Aguzarova The Russian Tax System: the Concept, Problems and Prospects

Abstract: The research focuses on the Russian Tax System, identifies its problems and suggests optimal solutions. The tax system is defined as a legislative framework aiming at providing the collection of taxes and fees as well as regulating the relationship between the taxpayer and the state. The author rightly notes that the Russian tax system goals are changing to meet political, economic and social requirements. Therefore, the tax system is still being reformed and needs to be adjusted. The current tax problems discussed in the work make the research topic the most relevant and up-to-date. Using scientific, exploratory and comparative methods, the researcher has identified the problems that often arise in the Russian tax practice. Such problems, in particular, include: ambiguous interpretation of the tax law; tax policy instability; low collection of taxes and fees; underuse of complex measures of tax administration and tax control. In addition, the author reviews problems associated with certain taxes and fees. The novelty of this research consists in the fact that the author suggests possible ways to improve the tax system of the Russian Federation and their adaptation in order to improve the tax component of the budget system through such mechanisms as taxation, tax rates, tax incentives, and other tax measures.


tax system, tax policy, tax law, tax control, tax administration, tax authorities, tax burden, tax risks, taxes, fees.

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