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Taxes and Taxation

V. K. Giraev Methodology of Stimulating Taxation in Business Management

Abstract: The emerging trends towards economic slowdown in Russia under high level of volatility in energy prices and sanctions introduced by Western countries call for new approaches and methods to promote economic development. In this connection, the tax methods as the most effective ones to regulate economic relations between the state and businesses are gaining on special significance. The analysis of the processes of corporate taxation in Russia clearly shows their fiscal nature and orientation on current state needs without taking into account the economic impact on the national economy as a whole. The methods of systematic approach, logical analysis and synthesis allowed to formulate conceptual provisions enabling the implementation of tax policy at the enterprise and state level. The above-mentioned makes it clear, that there is a need to apply an integrated approach to taxation management at the level of businesses in order to stimulate economic growth. The paper proposes a methodology of stimulating tax management on the basis of assessment of the impact of changes in taxes on the amount of tax receipts. Moreover, the paper substantiates the possibility of obtaining a positive economic effect from reducing the tax burden in the long run.


fiscal stimulus, tax regulation, tax optimization schemes, tax burden, taxation regimes, tax benefits, Laffer curve, tax rate, tax base, budget revenues.

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