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Administrative and municipal law

Shubina E. V. Administrative Preventive Measures in the Systems of Administrative Preventive Coercion

Abstract: The subject matter of this research is the essence of the administrative preventive measures of administrative preventive coercion, the author words the problems related to the definition of such category as measures of administrative prevention. The article also expresses different points of view on the legal category of administrative-law prevention, describes the key features of administrative prevention, points to the place of administrative preventive measures in the system of administrative-law prevention, draws the readers’ attention to certain problems of application of administrative preventive measures, and proposes the ways to resolve them. The dialectical materialistic method of scientific cognition, methods of social legal research, namely, comparative legal, formal logic method, content analysis method. The article attempts to describe certain theoretical and practical problems of applying administrative-law prevention measures and suggests the ways to solve them. The analysis of the administrative prevention measures in modern times makes it possible to shed some new light on the nature of this phenomenon. The conclusions and generalizations made will contribute to the development of the administrative law as relates to the methods of public administration and administrative process. In addition, this work may become the foundation for deeper general theoretical and branchrelated research, including those relating to prevention activities of law-enforcement agencies.


administrative coercion, administrative coercion measures, administrative-law prevention measures, law enforcement, administrative procedural arrangements, executive authorities, public administration, administrative-law relations, governmental powers of authority, offence.

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