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Philology: scientific researches

Polischuk, V. I. Franz Kafka: Knowledge of Life and Love for Being

Abstract: Franz Kafka’s creative work is described by the author of the article from the point of view of the milestones in his biography. The writer often said that one should not search for new ideas or universal explanations in his works. However, his own opinion did not prevent us from looking for allusions, parables, special meaning and ect. in his work. The present article coincides with the 90th anniversary of the writer’s death and shows that despite his scarce biography Franz Kafka knew life, society and human very well. He knew his surroundings were not joyful and therefore preferred the being inside himself. The author of the article has used the biographical method, i.e. narrative description of Kafka’s life as well as analytical, historical-cultural and comparative historical methods. Kafka’s tragedy is that he had to pay his life for discovering that absurdity was the norm of existence. He did not want to cope with the visible life and evident absurdities of life. He wanted to break free from the absurd world without ‘breaking’ the world itself but it was possible to do it only by breaking free from life in general.


existence, life, creativity, game, human of the crowd, constructions, understanding, method, insight, loneliness.

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