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International relations

D. N. Kalachev Modern System of International Security: Environmental Parameters

Abstract: This article analyses the current system of international security. The article focuses on finding the key parameters of the international security system. On the basis of the synergy approach proposed by S. P. Kapitsa for describing demographic transition phenomena, the author identifies four parameters of the international security system: natural environment and resources; demographic growth, mass migration and the non-uniformity in the development of various areas of the world; information, science and technology; global economy and globalization. These developmental factors change the nature of international stability. Methodologically, this research is based on the systematic, structural and functional, comparative historical, comparative political, geopolitical and cultural civilization approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. International security is understood as the internal condition (property) of the system of international relations which supports the life and interaction between countries, their regional associations and the global community as a whole as well as the protection of their vital interests from various threats that may arise. Organizationally, international security includes the system of measures aimed at reducing the level of international conflicts and procuring military strategic stability in the world, and at expanding the cooperation between different states and nations in order to combat their common threats.


international relations, foreign policy, Russia, geopolitics, political instability, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security.

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