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Taxes and Taxation

Bazhenov, A. A. The Concept of the Normal Operating Cycle in Taxation

Abstract: The author offers a new approach to classification of acquired assets in the structure of fixed assets used for formation of the tax base for corporate property tax. The approach is based on the concept of the normal operation cycle. The concept allows to make managerial decisions regarding classification of acquired assets (fixed assets or tangible stocks). Moreover, the author believes that it is possible to improve tax liabilities by comparing the economic life of acquired assets with the duration of the normal operating cycle of an organization. Taking into account the fact that since January 1, 2013 movable assets which have been recorded as the fixed assets after January 1, 2013 are not considered to be taxable (Subclause 8 of Clause 4 of Article 374 of the Russian Federation Tax Code), the author recommends that organizations with the economic life of acquired assets less than their normal operating cycle confirm their tax liabilities for corporate property tax payable in 2011 and 2012. Research methodology is based on the dialectical method when economic relations and phenomena are studied in terms of their development and interrelation, methods of system and comparative analysis, economic and mathematical research data, synthesis techniques, graphic modeling, methodology of the theory of statistics and mathematics. In the process of the analysis the author has defined that when including a fixed asset for accounting, it is necessary to take into account specific features of the activity performed by the organization, in particular, the duration of their normal operating cycle. The normal operating cycle is defined as a mean interval between the moment of the procurement of tangible assets and the moment of payment for goods sold or services rendered. The author underlines that this method should be also presented in accounting policies. The author establishes that implementation of this concept allows to decrease (improve) tax burden for corporate property tax ‘withdrawing’ acquired asset from the structure of fixed assets.


taxes, property, assets, operating cycle, normal, fixed assets, accounting, loan receivable, stocks, field inspection.

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