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Financial Law and Management

Muravyev I.A. Practice issues of government supervision in the field of education

Abstract: This article explores the volume and content of government supervision over educational institutions. The author unveils the object of government supervision — it involves social relations in the fields of realization of the right to education, enforcing human rights and freedoms in education, forming conditions to ensure the realization of the right to education. Attention is drawn to the Federal Education and Science Monitoring Service, the supervision body of the government. Supervision in the field of education is performed via site inspections and desk audits, via analysis of causes for violations of Russian Law in the sphere of education, and via organizing and conducting monitoring work for the compliance with legislation of Russian Federation, and for applying pressure on the violators of education Law. The author examines the major points of scheduled and unscheduled inspections, and draws attention to the powers of officials who execute scheduled and unscheduled inspections by the order of the Federal Education and Science Monitoring Service. If violations are revealed during the course of the inspections, the Federal service decides on individual and general measures, including issuing mandatory orders with deadlines that educational institutions and public bodies must meet.


government supervision, education, educational institution, right to education, monitoring body, site inspection, desk audit, scheduled inspection, unscheduled inspection, order

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