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Financial Law and Management

Gorbunova O.N. The role of Financial Law norms in regulating state and society

Abstract: As the author demonstrates, the best way to govern a country with market economy is to govern money, and that is only possible with the aid of Financial Law norms. Consequently, it is necessary to conduct research of the structure, the classifications and the functions of Financial Law norms. Another question that stands before modern academia is that of the interaction between Financial Law norms and norms of other legal branches (Constitutional, Administrative, Civil, etc.). The study of definition, meaning and goals set before Financial Law norms, as well as their place in Russia’s legal system must be based on the examination of direct links and feedback loops in state administration, which, to this day, has not been receiving enough attention on behalf of today’s legal science. The research is conducted upon the basis of general scientific method of dialectic study, the logical methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction), the method of comparative Law, historical and other specific science methods. Based on the performed analysis of the nature, classifications and functions of Financial Law norms, the author reaches a conclusion that they provide the opportunity to define legal corridors for direct links and feedback loops for state administration. The abovementioned connections are created by Financial Law within both, the system of finances and the system of macro- and microeconomics, playing the part of a connecting link of interdependency in the economy, as well as social processes.


norms, legal norms, Financial Law norms, Financial Law, finance, financial relations, economy, administration, money, budget

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